전체 글(84)
Auto tab to next input field when fill 4 characters
2018.04.13 -
[jQuery] 확인 창(confirm), 페이지 이동(location.replace)
$(document).ready(function(){ $('#Btn').click(function() { var result = confirm('Are you sure you want to do this?'); if(result) { //yes location.replace('index.php'); } else { //no } }); }); 출처: http://88240.tistory.com/173 [shaking blog]
2018.04.13 -
POST 전송 (jQuery), POST 이동, POST 새창
>> POST 전송, 결과값 리턴 (jQuery) function post_s(href, parm, del) { if (!del || confirm("한번 삭제한 자료는 복구할 방법이 없습니다.\n\n정말 삭제하시겠습니까?")) { $.post(href, parm, function(req) { document\.write(req); }); } } // 예제... onclick="post_s('경로', {'parm1':'val1','parm2':'val2'}, true);" ...리턴값으로 document.location.replace('경로'); 등이 오면 되겠다. 3번째 요소는 삭제명령을 위한 것. >> POST 이동 function post_goto(url, parm, target) { var f =..
2018.04.13 -
jquery POST 방식으로 다른 페이지로 이동하는 방법
리스트보기 $(document).ready(function(){ $("#btnList").click(function(){var form = document.createElement('form');var objs;objs = document.createElement('input');objs.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');objs.setAttribute('name', 'name');objs.setAttribute('value', value);form.appendChild(objs);form.setAttribute('method', 'post');form.setAttribute('action', "/action.php");document.body.appendChild(form);for..
2018.04.13 -
자동 로그아웃
function is_user() { $idletime=600; // after 600 seconds the user gets logged out if (time()-$_SESSION['timestamp']>$idletime){ session_destroy(); session_unset(); }else{ $_SESSION['timestamp']=time(); } if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) return true; } 로그인 로직에 추가$_SESSION['timestamp']=time();
2018.04.12 -
Setting up server cache on Apache 2.4.7 (ubuntu)
Setting up server cache on Apache 2.4.7 (ubuntu) up vote2down votefavorite3What is the best way to set up server caching on Apache 2.4?I have searched the internet and found a few resources and tutorials specific to Apache 2.2 - but apache have dropped modules since 2.2 and renamed others. Specifically, I would like to set up caching on my Ubuntu environment using the equivalent of Apache 2.2 "m..